Lost Episode A Day

Remember a week or so ago I promised a big announcement? Well here it is: Lost Episode A Day! Same sort of thing as HMAD, but with Lost episodes, and a better reason for mentioning Evangeline Lilly. We begin tomorrow, 9-22, the 6th anniversary of both the show's premiere as well as the (fictional... or is it?) plane crash that kicked off the show's events. Hope you guys enjoy!

P.S. HMAD will continue as normal throughout this time. Unlike HMAD, there is an end in sight - there are only 121 episodes and I plan to wrap it up in 108 days, so sometime in January.


  1. You're crazy man. I like you but you're crazy...

  2. Links busted but I will follow this for sure

  3. Guess I should take it as a sign not many are interested if it took 17 hours for someone to point out the busted link, LOL. Thanks!!

  4. If it took more than 24 hours then you should worry. ...A Day means check it once a day for most of us. Now I've got two things to check out once per day!

  5. Dude, that plan is fucked up.

  6. i worship and idolize you, can ya blame me?


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