JUNE 6, 2009
Even when I first saw it as a kid (I was about 9), I thought Nightmare On Elm St 2: Freddy’s Revenge was a bit weird. It wasn’t so much the whole “Freddy in the real world” thing that struck me as odd, but more the “Why is this high school kid going to a gay bar? And what IS a gay bar?” feeling. As I got older, and things like homoerotic subtext became a bit easier to spot, I realized that the movie was just one of what would ultimately be, uh, one horror franchise sequels that seemed more interested in presenting a metaphor for suppressing one’s homosexuality than killing, scares or even bothering to function in any meaningful way as a sequel (Freddy is only in like 10 minutes of the movie, and his role is essentially a metaphor for a man who is no longer able to suppress said urges).
Some folks (including the director) claim that they had no idea about the subtext when they were making the movie, but I find that hard to believe. I mean, for Christ’s sake, the only real kill setpiece in the whole movie finds a man stripped naked, tied to a wall, and then whipped for a while before being clawed. There is also the scene where Jesse rebels against his father (Clu Gulager) - who doesn’t understand him! - by singing and dancing around his room to a song sung by a woman. And who can forget this exchange, between Jesse and his best friend/enemy, Grady:
Jesse: Someone is trying to get inside of me!
Grady: Yeah, and she’s waiting for you in the cabana, but you want to sleep with me!
Confusing sexual positions aside (how does a girl get inside- oh never mind), this sums up everything you need to know about the movie. Their friendship is particularly odd; they meet during a baseball game, and almost instantly begin fighting, which results in Grady pulling off Jesse’s pants. Then they bond when the S&M loving coach makes them do pushups for hours. Later that week, Grady invites Jesse over for pizza, which I guess is still OK with his parents, who have grounded him for throwing his grandmother down a flight of stairs. I’ve been friends with some dudes for years and they still haven’t invited me over for dinner. And since Grady can’t be bothered to put a shirt or pants on when his male friend comes over, “Freddy” is once again unable to remain inside of Jesse’s body and kills him as well. So far this movie has had two deaths, both males without any clothing on.
But enough of all that. The real issue here is that screenwriter David Chaskin clearly didn’t have the slightest clue as to what made Freddy so interesting. Since Jesse is the only character that has nightmares (the opening one, on the bus, is easily the best scene in the film), Freddy’s not really much of a threat, because Jesse won’t die anytime soon. It’s the friends that need to be put in danger, but Chaskin’s script never gives any of them a scene to themselves. Patton is in all but two scenes in the film, making it seem like the other characters don’t even exist unless he’s around. And even when Freddy breaks into the real world, he’s not really concerned with racking up a body count; as countless victims run around him, he swipes at some flowers and overturns a table. Scary!
To be fair he does kill two or three people during this sequence, but with at least 20 of them all trapped inches away from him, it still feels like a giant missed opportunity (not to mention how he just leaves by walking past them all; he could have taken a few more out on the way). And the finale is incredibly weak; Jesse’s beard goes to the factory where Freddy took all of his victims (where the hell did this plot element come from?), and the gay metaphor comes full circle, as she is able to kill (suppress) “Freddy” once and for all by repeatedly assuring the man inside (which would be "Jesse", the straight part of him) that she loves him, and thus the tables are turned and now Jesse forces himself out of Freddy’s body. Yikes.
For all its faults though, I’ll still take it over the later entries (5 and 6 particularly), as at least Freddy isn’t just making wisecracks the whole time, and the film is at least trying to tell a story instead of showcasing the FX work of whatever artists/groups were working on it. In fact, the body count is rather low (5?) and the deaths aren’t particularly gory. Ironically, had Wes Craven been involved, it might actually be quite good, as he is well versed in psychology and philosophy, two areas any film about a guy struggling with his identity would have to explore by default. Hell, even the exact same script, stripped of any reference to an established franchise, could have made an interesting and unique film. I wouldn’t be surprised if was actually written as something else and turned into a Nightmare script, as there’s no way I can believe that a quickie sequel (this movie came out less than a year after the original) would keep its main draw offscreen for so much of it had it been designed as a sequel from the get-go, especially when he was the only returning character (unless you count the house itself, which Jesse resides in, a fact that is unceremoniously revealed to the audience).
When I got home I put on, for the first time ever, the “Bonus Disc” from the Nightmare DVD boxed set. I had heard that the thing is impossible to navigate, but I found the stuff on Nightmare 2 pretty easily. All that’s there is the trailer and four short interview pieces with Robert Englund, Bob Shaye, director Jack Sholder, and Rachel Talalay (who was a PA on this film and moved up to direct Freddy’s Dead). She’s pretty up front about the gay stuff, but Sholder is not, and it’s a shame that Haskin or any of the actors couldn’t be enticed to speak their mind on the matter. Still, there’s some interesting stuff in there, and I’m sure New Line will eventually re-release each disc with the relevant material included.
Of course, all of the anomalies and “uh...” moments made for a terrific viewing experience at the New Bev. Every weird line and double entendre was greeted with appreciative laughter, and Freddy’s signature line from the film (“You are all my children now!”) got a big applause as well. Plus, Clu and Robert Rusler (Grady) were there for a Q&A, always a nice addition to the viewing (especially considering the lack of insight on the disc itself). It just proves, once again, you don’t need a great movie to have a great time at the theatre.
What say you?

Where did you get the info that Mark Patton went into gay porn? According to IMDB, he just stopped acting after 1986. Are you sure you're not thinking about Stephen Geofferys (Ed in FIGHT NIGHT) who did later go into gay porn?
ReplyDelete... It´s the only sequel I haven´t see more than once... I rather watch the other ones, my favorite is ¨Dream Warrirors
ReplyDeleteHuh, I could have sworn that I had read that before... but now I can't find anything about it. Review edited, thanks for pointing out my error!!
ReplyDeleteI remeber watching a behind the scenes tv show or something like that and it said that orignally nightmare on elm street 2 wasn't going to have freddy in it and they decided at the last minute to add him in there because they eventually figured out how popular the character was. before they decided to do that they considered more of an anthology series where each movie would be it's own stand alone story in a way but I guess, because of the title it would still involve nightmares and elm street.
ReplyDeleteyeah, i never understood this one
ReplyDeleteI had to buy a ticket for some PG movie and sneak into the theater to see this one. Did the same for NOES 3 and got caught.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a kid I was completly obsessed with Freddy Krueger. I think it was very compelling because my parents wouldn't let me watch he movies. So, I had to rely on the rare opportunity of lying to my parents and watching them at a friend's house. Also, I got my hands on a novelization of the first three movies. Still, I can't remember much about this film from way back then. So, I was pretty shocked at all of the gay subtext. How about the shot where he wakes up and all of the plastic around him has melted? That green lump of plastic looks suspiciously like a post-coital phallus. Doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteI found many parts of this film utterly laughable:
1. His father accuses Jesse of blowing up the bird with firecrackers or a cherry bomb. Jesse takes this seriously and responds with, "You can't talk to me like that!!"
2. It's weird that he goes to a gay bar (although there are women there so it's more of a debauchery bar, isn't it?) after waking up from a dream, but it's even more weird that his coach (rumored to be gay a practitioner of said bar) busts him (in full S&M) for ordering a beer. Not only that, he dishes out immediate punishment using the ol' hard nose coach standby... laps! That's right, he takes the offending adolescent directly from the gay bar, never bothering to change out of his S&M gear, to the high school gym, in the middle of the night, to carry out the sentence. I'll say this, "This night life lovin' gay couch is seriously dedicated to his job (that job being to punish young hooligans' with cruel amounts of exercise)."
3. After apparently using Jesse's body as a portal into this world by completely annihilating it (Freddy emerges from his chest and peels the chunks of Jesse off!), Freddy kills Grady. Then, the camera quick pans back to Jesse only to see him completely unharmed. Hun? Further, the authorities have been notified and begin to break down the door. Jesse comes to his senses and jump out the window and escapes without detection. That's some serious stealth!
4. "Help yourself, Fucker" Unbelievably lame line but I can't help but love it. Maybe it's the delivery. There's just something about the word "Fucker". Speaking of that, I love it when Tom Arnold calls the bus driver a fucker in True Lies.
I just watched part three and since you haven't reviewed it yet I'm leaving my thoughts here. Maybe I'll copy and paste when you get around to it.
ReplyDeleteWhat a spectacular movie. Saw it when I was a kid but never thought it was any better than part two until now. This is so good that it easily outshines the first part. It joins the ranks of a very few sequels which are better than the original.
The writing and characterization are all spot on. What a great usage of Nancy and her father. The kids are the best group of any of the 80s slasher genre. Kincade and Will especially. The camaraderie amongst the kids is reminiscent of King's writing. Maybe that could be attributed to Frank Darabont's contributions? I was happy with the slight expansion on the mythology. It provided a believable deus ex machina which didn't leave any troublesome, residuals left for later screen writers to mop up.
The quotable line from Freddy's mouth are endless, "...when you wake up... it's back... in the saddle... again." and "Welcome to Prime Time, Bitch!" Awesome!
The special effects are ample and superb: The Freddyionette, the puppeteering via tendril, the tongue gag, the hungry heroine scars, the tv antenna antennae (a personal favorite), the talking decapitated head, the hall of mirrors. I even appreciated the stop motion Freddy skeleton (although, how did he get his glove from the furnace in the Elm Street house?), pretty darn scary!
I can't think of a single slasher film since Halloween which is better... Can you?
http://horror-movie-a-day.blogspot.com/2008/07/nightmare-on-elm-st-3-dream-warriors.html :)
ReplyDeleteI can think of slashers I like more, sure - but it was the last great Freddy movie, that's for sure.
My favourites are the first 4 in the order they appear, actually. Part 2 I appreciate the most though, simply because it was the first one I saw, and the gay subtext is just fantastic! And I always found that dancing scene to be kinda sexy in a very cheesy way (the final bit with the pop gun especially).
ReplyDelete5 and 6 were stinkers. 7 was close to being a good return to form. I just didn't like the look of Freddy, and I stopped caring for the wise-cracking Freddy at the point it was released...
I really like this one too. I think all the subtext here is interesting, but I like it primarily as a version of the Beauty and the Beast tale. Jesse's girlfriend changes him back from his monster form by loving him anyway! (BatB is by far my favorite faerie tale so the similarity goes a long way with me.) Plus, exploding parakeet? Hilarious!
ReplyDeleteFor some reason I thought Jesse's visit to the bar was part of a dream sequence. He seemed to transition from one place to the next so abruptly that I just assumed it was due to dream logic. Either way, the whip + razors shower death was really memorable too, even if its the only stand-out such set piece in the film.
I particularly enjoyed the fact that Jesse's beard played such an important role in the finale.