Well, it's been a little over 2 years, but it's time to wrap it up. What with the economy and Lionsgate dropping horror distribution, it's getting harder and harder to find/afford a new movie for every day. I hope all of you will follow me over to my new site,, in which I eat/discuss a different bowl of cereal every day, including the toy surprise inside when applicable. I hope you all enjoy!

Horror Movie A Day
February 7, 2007 - April 1st, 2009


  1. Ha ha. Kudos to you, April fools. But we both agree you should do Start with boo berry!

  2. We all know life will lose all meaning without watching a new horror movie each day, but it was a better attempt than the Weinstein article. After the Ghostbusters remake got me a few years back I have been ever so cautious towards the end of March..

  3. It's a good thing I love cereal just as much as I love horror movies!

  4. Cute. Happy April Fools!

  5. Nooooo, say it ain't so! April Fool's perhaps? :-) The bowl of cereal a day is a nice touch.

  6. Had to check the date there for a second.

  7. And just when you figured out how to embed comments on the post pages!

    It's been a remarkable run, BC. I'm gonna miss this.

  8. I hope this is an April Fool's joke.

    A sick, sick April Fool's joke.

  9. Dude,You've done a lot of solid work here. And I can understand you wanting to take a breather for a while. But, to leave us cold turkey? How about one horror movie a week? No? Sigh. Well, I will follow you to your cereal blog. But, I have to saw I'm going to miss the updates on this one. Please keep it up for a while.

  10. you dont have to post this first part. I dont want to ruin your joke.

    thats funny..
    im really glad you arent going anywhere..
    I never cared about reviews of movies, especially the process it takes to DO reviews and do them so well..until HMAD came along.

    you really are a great guy and Its nice to live vicariously through you. We all could only wish to do what you get to do daily..even if it gets really old watching a movie EVERY FREAKIN DAY..

    some days I would just want to sit and stare at a wall with as many movies as you watch.

    Keep it up. Dont die off yet.

    If you really need some movies and even donations Im sure we can help you out somehow. I will advertise to you as much as I can.

    How many movies do you actually own in your collection anyhow? Im running on around 250, but I KNOW you have blown that out of the water.

  11. noooo!
    no more HMAD? Ever?
    where will i get my daily "review" fix now?

    any chance of occasional updates, just not daily?

  12. dammit...didn't click the bowl of cereal link till after i posted the comment...

    YES! HMAD still goin!
    that was good...seeing the entry when I loaded the page was like gettin punched at random...

  13. You almost had me, BC. April Fool's!



  14. hahahahaha, nice one dude!!!! (it was a joke right????, OMG, Should I BOOKMARk that new site??? ;) )

    BTW how you liked that Conficker thing???

  15. Hahahah you guys rock! Thanks for all your concerns! For those who didn't get it, yes it was an AFD joke :)

  16. Good riddens, there are too many horror movie a day websites out there anyways

  17. Man, I am so pawned!

    Well played, sir.

  18. least i'm far from the only one that fell for this

  19. Oh man... I was BUMMED for a minute there.... Heh heh...

  20. This is a real shame, mate. I really enjoyed reading this blog and it's given me loads of ideas of movies to buy! Good luck with your next blog, though not beingt a cereal man I don't think I'll be a regular. Lack of roughage? :-)

  21. Thank you for the years of great reading! I came here almost daily and will miss your commentary. Enjoy your ceral and remember- nothing beats a Crunchberry!
